What To Expect From CBT

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a kind of talking therapy and can help you to change how you think (cognitive) and what you do (behaviour). It focuses on the relationship between your thoughts, feelings and behaviour and can help you to train your brain to challenge these thoughts, feelings and behaviour and develop new skills to help you improve the quality of your life.

CBT offers solutions for people experiencing a range of difficulties from anxiety, depression, panic attacks, worrying, insomnia, low self esteem, public speaking, phobias, OCD, Post trauma stress and many more.

what to expect from cognitive behaviour therapy
For more information or to check appointment availability call us now on 0114 383 0004
At Sheffield CBT Practice we will:

  • Provide a safe and confidential space
  • Offer you respect, empathy and a non-judgemental approach
  • Talk with you about how your difficulties are affecting you in the here and now
  • Ask you to complete some questionnaires which help identify what the problem is and establish the impact of this on your life.
  • Support you to identify unhelpful thinking patterns and behaviours and support you to break free from them
  • Agree what the problems are and set clear goals and decide on how we will work on them
  • Agree how many sessions you need after the first appointment but usually people see improvements after 6 to 8 weeks
  • Help you to learn new skills to overcome your problems
  • Encourage you to practice your new skills in-between appointments, these are called homework assignments
  • Regularly review how things are going to ensure progress is being made