Jane McClaren’s Profile

I live and work in Sheffield and alongside my private practice I work as the clinical director for the Eva Therapy Service which is a charitable organisation supporting women who have experienced domestic and sexual abuse.

jane mcclarren sheffield cbt therapist

Jane McClaren is BABCP accredited and the Director of the Sheffield CBT Practice. She is an experienced CBT therapist, supervisor and EMDR practitioner who has worked with a wide range of clinical disorders in both adults and children.

Since qualifying as a cognitive behavioural psychotherapist Jane spent 3 years working in the NHS within a specialist OCD/PTSD and anxiety team before moving on to working with Sheffield University Counselling Service offering CBT to students struggling with anxiety and depression.

Jane has an extensive background in working with adults and children who have experienced trauma and abuse and has been the Clinical Manager for 6 years of a charity in Sheffield offering trauma focussed therapy to women and girls who have experienced domestic and sexual abuse.

Her clinical interests include treatment of PTSD, OCD and low self-esteem, leading to depression and anxiety.

Jane is an experienced trainer delivering confidence and self-esteem programmes, CBT psycho education programmes, CBT training and delivers national training regarding the mental health impacts of abuse and trauma.

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