It has been estimated by the Department of Health that depression affects 1 in 5 of the adult population. That means 20% of people have had or will have an episode of depression that is severe enough to warrant treatment.
Depression is a broad diagnosis. Central to it is depressed mood and/or loss of pleasure in most activities. Severity of the disorder is determined by both the number and severity of symptoms, as well as the degree to which depression is affecting the way you function and many areas of your life such as personal relationships and work.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is the single most effective psychological treatment for depression. Your doctor will probably recommend CBT alongside anti-depressant medication. The combination on medication and therapy is the most effective treatment to help lift the depression. This is done by looking at replacing unhelpful behaviours with new behaviours which eventually lead to you leading a more rewarding and happy life.
How many sessions will I need?
Recommended number of sessions range from between 6-15 sessions of CBT.
Further information can be found at