CBT Review By Laura

 CBT Sheffield

A review of The Sheffield CBT Practise

reviews from clients for the sheffield cbt practise“I was advised to have CBT by my doctor as I was suffering from intense anxiety that was taking over my life. I found Sheffield CBT Practice online and was delighted when Sarah called me to arrange an appointment for the next week.

I was very nervous before starting CBT but Sarah quickly put me at ease. We spent the first sessions talking about the anxiety I’d been having and, after two sessions, Sarah diagnosed what was causing my anxiety – largely, intrusive thoughts caused by OCD that had gone undiagnosed.

Over the next couple of months, we worked through the course of CBT at a pace that suited me but pushed me to face my fears and deal with deep seated worries and anxieties that I’d been bottling up for over a decade. I quickly started to see results and that spurred me on to work harder and take control of the anxiety.

I finished CBT two months ago and since that time have continued to put the principles I learned during my CBT sessions into practice to deal with everything from small, everyday worries to bigger fears and anxieties. When faced with situations that would have once caused me to have a panic attack, I now use the CBT techniques I learned to calm myself down.

Even better, for me, I’ve managed to gain control over the OCD that was at the cause of my anxiety. I will never be able to thank Sarah enough for the positive difference she has made to my life and the lives of those I love.”

Written by: Laura
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Date published: 11/19/2014
5 / 5 stars
Read the full review on Freeindex.co.uk
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