CBT for Children and Young People

Here at Sheffield CBT Practice Sarah and Jane hold invaluable experience of delivering CBT to children within the private setting.  Sarah also works for Hallam caring Services providing therapy to children from the catholic schools.

Particular adaptions are made to CBT to allow it to be accessible to the individual child, just as it is with each individual we work with.

Quite simply, therapy is pitched at a pace, content and speed appropriate to the child.  We tailor treatment to the child and help them to gain an understanding of the problems they are experiencing.

We work with a wealth of knowledge and where appropriate we offer advice about further assessments that may be required to support the child within CAMHS, educational psychology, and child and adolescent private psychiatric assessment and treatment.

We require all young children to be accompanied by a caregiver for the first and subsequent sessions if required.  With older children, this is not always necessary but depends on the needs and wishes of caregivers and child.

Working alongside the family is key as it is helpful those providing care are able to understand the treatment and act as co-therapists where appropriate.

CBT for Young People
For more information or to check appointment availability call us now on 0114 383 0004
CBT for Children

Daniel’s* treatment:

Daniel aged 12 entered therapy after having been involved in a car accident, he did not want to travel in a car and he did not enjoy going out with friends near roads and traffic.  Therapy helped understand that avoiding these things was keeping his problem going.

A staged approach to the things he feared meant that after only a few sessions he was traveling long distances in the car and riding his bike with his friends.  In turn, his anxiety decreased and his mood improved.


Sophie’s* treatment.

Sophie aged 11 was treated for OCD (intrusive harm thoughts).  She engaged in treatment aimed at helping her understand the rituals such as counting and aligning cups in the kitchen were not helping to keep her family safe.
Sophie had 10 sessions of CBT and in turn, she became her own therapist.

Please contact info@sheffieldcbt.co.uk for more information.
